Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles Chad's ROBOTECH Page

The Shadow Chronicles

The Shadow Chronicles opens with a remix of the original Robotech theme. It's kind of cool. Then we see a couple of Alphas. The CGI looks pretty good too. Throw in an old Minmei joke, and it's Robotech, all over again.

It picks up during the invasion on Reflex Point. General Reinhardt is supervising the attack on reflex point, and Admiral Hunter seems to have gone missing. There is a brief message from the Admiral, and Vince Grant is sent on a rescue mission to find the SDF-3.

The story continues to unfold. There's a problem with the Neutron S Missiles, and a new enemy on the scene. Those crazy Haydonites seem to be causing trouble for some as yet unknown reason.

Scott and Ariel are here from the New Generation, Louie Nichols from the Southern Cross, and of course, Admiral Hunter from the Macross Saga. Conspicuously absent, are all of the other New Generation characters.

All in all it's a good adventure. I'll give it an 8 out of 10.

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